Friday, July 5, 2013


                                      Common Name : Daisy
 Botanical Name : Bellis perennis

Bellis is Latin for "pretty" and perennis is Latin for "everlasting".The name "daisy" is occasionally considered a corruption of "day's eye", because the whole head closes at night and opens in the morning. Chaucer called it "eye of the day". In Medieval times, bellis perennis or the English Daisy was commonly known as "Mary's Rose".
In the centre there are also many tiny yellow flowers. The different colours and styles of flower work together in order to attract insects.Although the 'flower' may appear to consist of a yellow centre with white petals, this is not the case. Each individual "petal" is itself an individual flower, called asterales.
It’s flower share name of Daisy but  also some another different name present such as :
 common daisylawn daisy or English daisy etc.Historically, it has also been commonly known as bruisewort and occasionally woundwort [although the common name woundwort is now more closely associated with Stachys (Betony)].
Daisy is present on the native to western northern Europe central Europe Americas and Australasia.

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