Friday, July 19, 2013


Common Name: Zucchini
Botanical Name: Zucchini / courgett
In North America,Australia,Germany and Seandinaviia the plant is commonly called a zucchini (The name courgette French  pronunciationis  (Kut) a  French Lian word and is commonly used in, among others  Great Britanin, Ireland,New Zealand, The Netherlands and Africa.In India it is called as 'Seemai Sorakkai'. In South Africa the fruit is typically harvested as a baby vegetable, approximately finger size, and referred to as baby marrows.
Zucchini, like all  spuash has its ancestry in the Americas. However, the varieties of squash typically called "zucchini" were developed in Italy, many generations after their introduction from the "New World".
In all probability, this occurred in the very late 19th century, probably near  Milan  early varieties usually included the names of nearby cities in their names. The alternative name courgette is from the Frendh  word for the vegetable, with the same spelling, and is commonly used in France,  Ireand and United Kingdom  the It is a  deminutive of courge, French for squash. "Zucca" is the Italian  word for squash and "zucchina" is its diminutive, becoming "zucchine" in the plural.

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