Friday, July 5, 2013

Gallant soldier

Common Name :Gallant soldier
Botanical Name : Galinsoga parviflora

Galinsoga parviflora was brought from Peru to Kew Gardens in 1796, and later escaped to the wild in Britain. In Britain its name Galinsoga is sometimes popularly rendered as "gallant soldiers", and then sometimes altered to "soldiers of the Queen".
It’s Locale name called various country from various types such as:
1.      Colombia called (Guasca)
2.      Costa Rica called (Mielcilla)
3.      New Zeland called  (Galinsoga) and
4.      USA called (Gallant soldier)
Galinsoga parviflora was brought from Peru to Kew Gardens in 1796, and later escaped to the wild in Britain.In Britain its name Galinsoga is sometimes popularly rendered as "gallant soldiers", and then sometimes altered to "soldiers of the Queen".

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