Monday, July 1, 2013


Name OF flower :Tulip
Botanical Name : Tulipa gesneriana.

The tulip is a perennial, bulbous plant with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, of which up to 109 species have been described and which belongs to the family Liliaceae.Tulips are spring-blooming perennials that grow from bulbs. Depending on the species, tulip plants can grow as short as 4 inches (10 cm) or as high as 28 inches (71 cm). The tulip's large flowers usually bloom on scapesor subscapose stems that lack bracts.A number of species and many hybrid cultivars are grown in gardens, as potted plants, or to be displayed as fresh-cut flowers. Most cultivars of tulip are derived from Tulipa gesneriana.List of species gonneveld classification showing all 4 subgenera, and 12 sections.
Subgenus Clusianae Section Clusianae

Zonneveld classification showing all 4 subgenera, and 12 sections.
Subgenus Clusianae Section Clusianae
Tulipa clusiana  (Lady Tulip)
Tulipa linifolia syn. T. batalinii (Bokhara Tulip)
Tulipa maximowiczii  Regel
Tulipa montana
Tulipa agenensis in Jerusalemforest, Israel
Tulipa altaica
Tulipa anisophylla
Tulipa borszczowii
Tulipa brachystemon
Tulipa ferganica
Tulipa hissarica
Tulipa iliensis
Tulipa kolpakowskiana
Tulipa korolkowii Regel
Tulipa korshinskyi
Tulipa lehmanniana
Tulipa lemmersii Zonn., A. Peterse, J. de Groot sp. nov.
Tulipa nitida
Tulipa ostrowskiana
Tulipa tetraphylla
Tulipa zenaidae (Zenaida's tulip

Subgenus Orithyia
Section Orithyia
Tulipa heterophylla
Tulipa heteropetala
Tulipa uniflora

Scientific classification
Scientifically the genus Tulipa was traditionally divided into two sections the Eriostemones and the Leiostemones ( Tulipa) and comprises 87 species.In 1997 the two sections were raised to subgenera and the subgenus Leiostemones divided into five sections, Clusianae, Eichleres, Kopalkowskiana, Tulipanum and Tulipa. The Eichleres were in turn subdivided into eight series. Subgenus Eriostemones is divided into three sections, Biflores, Sylvestres, and Saxatiles. Other classifications do however exist. In 2009 two other subgenera were proposed, Clusianae and Orithyia (four in all) the latter two only having one section, making twelve sections in all. Some species formerly classified as Tulipa are now considered to be in a separate genus, Amana, including Amana edulis (Tulipa edulis).
Horticultural classification:
The Harticularal Classification must be divided in t6om there as-

1: Single early
2: Double early
3: Triumph
4: Darwin hybrid
5: Single late
6: Lily-flowered
7: Fringed (Crispa)
8: Viridiflora
9: Rembrandt
10: Parrot
11: Double late
12: Kaufmanniana
13: Fosteriana (Emperor)
14: Greigii
15: Species (Botanical)
16: Multiflowering

They may also be classified by their flowering season:
Early flowering: Single Early Tulips, Double Early Tulips, Greigii Tulips, Kaufmanniana Tulips, Fosteriana Tulips, Species Tulips
Mid-season flowering: Darwin Hybrid Tulips, Triumph Tulips, Parrot Tulips
Late season flowering: Single Late Tulips, Double Late Tulips, Viridiflora Tulips, Lily-flowering Tulips, Fringed Tulips, Rembrandt Tulip

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