Monday, July 1, 2013

White Jasmine

Common Name : White Jasmine
Botanical Name: Jasminum polyanthum

Jasminum polyanthum is well known as a house plant in the USA and Europe. It can also grow in the garden, when climate conditions are good.It is propagated by seed and by suckers.It grows fast and easily, and flowers nicely.Outside it can be used to cover walls and fences etc. It can grow in sun and light shade as well.

This popular houseplant is an easily-grown, evergreen, half-hardy climber with loose panicles in summer of many strongly-fragrant pink-backed, white, trumpet-shaped flowers. It does not suffer pest or disease problems and is simple to propagate.”
Jasminum polyanthum is naturalized in Australia and New Zealand . It can be regarded as an invasive species in these regions. This species of jasmine spreads rapidly as it can grow from any small section of stem material.It forms dense ground cover, preventing the growth of native seedlings, and smothers all other vegetation up to mid-canopy level. Spread into established forest, for instance in New Zealand, is rapid.It can be controlled by cutting the stem and branches and applying herbicides to the cut surfaces. Chemical control of ground cover is advised.

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