Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Common Name : Bougainvillea

Botanical Name : Bougainvillea spectabilis
The first European to describe these plants was  Philibert Connercon a French Botanist accompanying French Navy admiral and explorer Louis Antonine de Bougainville during his voyage of circumnavigation, and first published for him by  Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in 1789. Twenty years after Commerçon's discovery, it was first published as 'Buginvillea' in Geneta Plantarum  by A.L de Jusseau in 1789. The genus was subsequently spelled in several ways until it was finally corrected to 'Bougainvillea' in the Index   Kewensi in the 1930s.They are thorny, woody Vines growing anywhere from 1 to 12 m (3 to 40 ft.) tall, scrambling over other plants with their spiky thorns. The thorns are tipped with a black, waxy substance.
Bougainvillea also Known as Napoleon (Hinduras) Veranera (Colonvia.,Njicaragua ,El Salvador Costa Rica and Panama) Trinitaria (Colombia ,Cuba ,Panama,Puerti ,Rico, Dominican,Repulic and Vevezuela,Santa Rita (Argentina, Bolivia Paraguay and Uruguay) or Papelillo  ( Nortern Peru )  is a genus of flowering plants to South America from Brazil west to Peru and south to southern Argentina (Chubut Province).Different autors accept between four and 18 species in the genus.

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